Pastor of Osceola United Methodist Church 1971-1978

The following is his writing, his wording, his punctuation, and those who remember, will hear him speaking as he sends:


Ivan C. Bys, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, called to be! - a preacher, teacher, and healer!- Set apart for the Gospel of God!- To all of you in Osceola and beyond who are loved and called to be saints!- Grace and Peace from the Triune God- conceived in the Mind of the Father, revealed in the Life of His Son Jesus, empowered in His Holy Spirit!

This is not an attempt either to be cute or clever. Rather, this is an attempt to set the perspective from which all will follow. Further, it seems to me that in St. Paul I have a good example for letter writing. THANKS BE TO GOD! - Not thanks to people or events or things that happen. Thanks be to GOD! ·



May I introduce Frank Nichols. He is one of my closest friends. He was once my District Superintendent. It was during this tenure that he sent to all his pastors on the district a "banner” that bore the words above.

Isn't that the way we grow-by the touch of another? (Whether God or human?) Yes, we have all been touched by what he said and did. However, I feel that I have been touched most in the "manner" with which he spoke and served. SO, THANKS BE TO GOD for Frank Nichols!

Who or what has touched me for my growth in becoming what I am today? Let this be the unfolding of my story in Recipes for Living.

Popeye would say, "I yam what I yam and that’s all that I yam." That is true of all of us. We ARE no more and no less that what we ARE. Nevertheless, I choose to go BEYOND this identity to the "source" of it. With this approach I choose NOT to draw attention unto myself BUT to draw attention to God and others. So, here goes:

THANKS BE TO GOD FOR God Himself! I was born and raised on an Iowa farm- actually, three of them: Fairfax, Center Point and Walford. "Church" was "front and center" on Sunday. · (And what I learned there was central for the week following.) Sunday was "the Lord's Day." Therefore, it was only natural that somewhere in my growing life GOD HIMSELF WOULD TOUCH ME.

It was approximately at the age of eleven that our Evangelical Church in Center Point ha4 revival services. Every night presented an altar call. One night that call was for me. Yes, age eleven. I was the only one at the altar that night.

I knew that something happened in (and for) my life. There were ''no bells ringing," nothing unusual. But there was a "still small voice" beckoning me. It was on that night that I became His! And He became mine! That night was NOT my first encounter with the Living God- in my "mind." Rather, that night's encounter was in my "heart." Or was it "soul?'' Whatever and wherever it was that this happened IT WAS THE BEGINNING of a "Journey" of a lifetime!

The Living God! -the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit-is as much a part of my life as YOU ARE! I am His Child- in the growing in the making! "-From one degree of glory to another" (II Cor. 3:18)!  Reader: This is NOT just for preachers BUT for everyone!

PLEASE hear me loud and clear. I have no need for "self esteem!" Most of those, in my understanding, involved in building self-esteem (the "kick" of our age!) appear like Little Jack Horner who "sits in his comer, eating his Christmas pie." Now, that’s okay. But why does he do what follows? "He sticks in his thumb and pulls out a plum and says, 'What a good boy am I."' Really, isn’t that silly?

Corrie ten Boom, holocaust survivor and writer of Each New Day tells the story of a woodpecker "who tapped with his beak against he stem of a tree just as lightning struck and destroyed it. He flew away and said, 'I didn’t know there was so much power in my beak!"' She went on to write, "When we bring the Gospel there is a danger that we will think or say, 'I have done a good job! Don't be a silly woodpecker. Know where your strength comes from." Jesus said, "Let your light so shine that others may see your good works and give glory"- where? "To your Father in Heaven" (Matthew 5:15, 16).

THANKS BE TO GOD for Faith! We all believe. We all have a faith by which we try to live. BUT not all of us have the kind of faith held by a dear soul in the little town of Adona, Arkansas. It was while there in a New Life Mission for Adona and Perryville (you will remember this place for H.P.I [Heifer Project International]) that we held an afternoon "faith-sharing" session. Having suggested that "fear" is a big problem to the life of faith; we decided to share our "fears." So it was that we talked about darkness, choices, the unknown, etc. Then came the insight of an elderly lady (she spoke only seven words!):


That day I learned two things about fear: (1) Fear must be confronted! and (2) When confronted by "faith" it disappears! Poof - it's gone! Yes, GONE! (You know the kind of "fear" I’m talking about. The "fears" we commonly justify are not fears at all- they are "common sense.")

THANKS BE TO GOD for Support! When it comes to someone who touches our lives, there is no ONE like unto our chosen mate. If I recall correctly it was after our marriage that Ada testified that she knew from childhood that she would be the wife of a pastor. (Or was it "preacher?") Well, this farm boy came along and said the right thing, "I'm going to be a pastor." She was approaching the age where she could not be too choosey! The rest has been easy sailing (for she did not know what she was getting into!).

My life has been blessed for 60 years! She knows how to work miracles! Who else could feed a family of seven for $30 a month? (Just like Jesus feeding the five thousand!) That's what she did during seminary years, 1948-1953.  And there's more- how about those enduring times with boring sermons? (Whenever I preached a good sermon, one friend of ours gave Ada the credit!) And what about that parental responsibility gladly accepted (at least I thought it was) while I was away at school, at a meeting, doing counseling, etc. etc. etc.? Ada, "You have touched me – I have grown!"

THANKS BE TO GOD for Seth! Just today (19 June 2002 -the seventh writing of this) the mail brought a letter from William and Delores Thornberry at Russellville, Arkansas. It was there I served as Associate Pastor with D. Max Whitfield (now Bishop of the New Mexico area).

William and Delores have a son, Seth. While I was there (1983-1987) he was in the later years prior to the teens-probably about 11 at the time of this incident. You see, we had a close relationship. He would stop by my office at the church on his way home from school. We became good friends. He was, to me, like a "friendly little pup."

One particular day he dropped in; and we chatted. Soon we were "talked out," at least for the moment. He seized it with a few sniffs in the air and said, "Do I smell cookies?" Now, you must realize that I did not just have cookies lying around; they were in a tightly fitted cookie jar. Could cookie-smell escape from this cookie-jar? No way! I grinned! He stood! I served!

There was a lesson here for me: Seth knew where he could go for what he either wanted or needed! Oh, that we might "GO" to "WHERE" we know we can always go for what we really want and need! And He gives bountifully!

THANKS BE TO GOD for Solutions! I have learned that there IS a solution for EVERY problem. The key to the solution is our imaginative, creative mind that will not give in.

Carole and Robert Hinds are new friends in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. We sit together frequently at the Senior Citizen Center. (Noon meal for $1 Monday through Friday! You would, too!) One day Carole told us about the family of their son-in-law. He was one of a family of boys. They all grew through the stage when they wanted to wear their shirt-tails outside their "britches." Mother tried to keep them from it, but no way would they comply (at least when away from home). SO: What did mother do? Give up? Give in? NO! You don’t know this one! She sewed lace on their shirt-tails! That’s right! "Cross my heart and hope to die!" It worked! (What boy wants to wear lace?)
.·                  .
THANKS BE TO GOD for Personal Accountability! It was during time served in the U.S. Army during World War II. I was only a Corporal Technician., but Lieutenant Entzminger and I became friends.. There was something genuinely down to earth about this man. Actually, "genuine."

We shipped overseas together to England, France and Germany. Committed to the front line in the spring of 1945, my friend led a scout patrol one morning at daybreak. They crawled to the brow of a hill. He took the "point" position, raised his head slightly-BANG! A sniper's bullet struck him through the neck. Instant death!

I shall never forget the news! That same year the war was over, I was discharged and appointed to Norwalk, Spring Hill and Linn Grove churches. How could I justify his "death" and my ''life?" I would do double duty! Still do!

THANKS BE TO GOD for Spiritual Sensitivity! Have you heard about the Texan who was visiting his friend in New York City? They were seeing the sights at Times Square. Have you been there? You know that it is the very "center" of the whole "world of noise." You can hardly hold a conversation.         ·

At one place the Texan stopped. He pulled the elbow of his friend and said, "I hear a cricket!" His friend laughed. "You hear a cricket? No way!" To this the Texan replied, "I'll prove it." He thrust his hand into this pocket and pulled out a quarter. He dropped it on the sidewalk. Immediately twelve pedestrians stopped to search their pockets for a "lost coin."

Some people can identify every bird by its sound. Others can name every car at quite a distance. Still others can identify almost every food item by its taste, blindfolded. I like to think that we can really sing the song, "The Voice of God is Calling..."

Jesus said, ''My sheep listen to my voice" (John 10:27).

THANKS BE TO GOD for Good Examples! Remember the old philosopher, Socrates? I remember it as an illustration of "possibilities."

It is recorded that Socrates would gain philosophical insights while meditating in a favorite cave. His wife would go with him and care for him, meeting his needs by cooking, washing, etc. We can understand that after a few days of this, in a remote place, life can become boring (to say the least)!

One day, her patience gone, Socrates' wife gave him a severe tongue-thrashing. He just sat there quietly through it all. That disturbed her all the more so she picked up the pail of water from the spring and dashed its contents into Socrates' face. Old Socrates slowly rose, shook off the excess water, and said, "Well, I fully expected a shower with all that storm."

I need that kind of patience. It helps me to remember this story. It also helps me to remember the ninth "fruit of the Spirit"-self control (read Galatians 5:22, 23). This reminds me that some things come about NOT by our striving BUT as a "Fruit of the Spirit- Holy Spirit!"

THANKS BE TO GOD for Adequacy! That is, "at the heart of the matter," - Not just at the surface!

Joe Ahrens was a special friend at Saxonville, Massachusetts. With his family, he became a member of the Methodist Church I was serving while I was a student during seminary. He transferred as a Deacon in the Southern Baptist Church.

Joe seemed to have no bad habits and one day he told me how he "licked the smoking habit." He confessed to having smoked more than two packs of cigarettes per day. He thought he wanted to quit, but he couldn't. Then, one day while driving in the countryside he lit a cigarette. One puff caused his ulcer to "act up." Now hear him tell what he did: "I rolled down the window and threw that fresh cigarette out the window with disgust. I prayed, 'Lord, take even the desire away." AND HE DID!

Sometimes I wonder if we really believe in the adequate power of God. Sometimes we are surprised with unbelievable happenings. We call them "miracles." Could it be that every problem and hurt and wrong is the "setting" for a "miracle in the making?" Are we not told, "Ask and you will receive" (Matthew 7:8)?

THANKS BE TO GOD for "Disciple" I, II, III, IV! It was January 1987, that seven of us from Russellville went to Houston, Texas for "Rally '87.'' It was called a rally support for the Sunday school. Little did we know what was in store for us - and for the entire United Methodist Church! It was there that "Disciple I” was publicly introduced to United Methodism. Now we had an incomparable, in-depth Bible Study! It involved a commitment to 34 sessions, each 2'l2 hours long; and reading 70% of the Bible in nine months. Oh, what satisfaction for spiritual hunger­ rampant today!

On the way home, we were "5 to 2" in evaluation. The majority took the position that it was "not at all possible!" "There will be no takers- at least not enough to form groups of 12!" ''Very, very few, if any, will sign up for this. It's too much!"

Only two of us saw both the possibilities in it and its meeting the needs of the "spiritually hungry." Please, I'm not saying, "I told you so!" Rather, I am just witnessing to the fact of phenomenal response! I have taught all of the first three studies. One group (of 12) STAYED TOGETHER for all three studies! YES, three years! We bonded into a special family that continues communication to this day!

Was it not our fanner Bishop F. Gerald Ensley who would introduce his annual Bible· Studies with: "Every Spiritual Awakening has been an outcome of our return to the Bible!" ·

THANKS BE TO GOD for "Personal Experience." Two illustrations:

Remember Cliff Carr? I remember him always in church. I remember him supportive. However, I remember him not very expressive of his faith AND his relationship with the Lord.

Then one Sunday that changed. (Ada and I remember this very vividly.) I noticed that he lingered in the background of the worshipers at the end of the morning worship. Finally, when all had "gone through the line," he came. It was with a very somber look on his face that he took my hand and said, "I have heard and learned a lot about Jesus over the years. I just want you to know that now He is more than someone to know something about." (At least that is close to what he said.) THANKS BE TO GOD for Cliff Carr! He touched our lives in the only way he knew! It was encouraging!

You do not know Pat Kennedy. He was one of our youth group at Grace United Methodist Church in Waterloo, Iowa. He was a big hulk of a high schooler. A football lineman. He was seldom at youth meetings.

Then we had a "Hobo Night." The "regulars" gathered early to take their cars out to "capture" the irregulars and "bring them in" to our youth meeting that night. We had a group from the college campus at Cedar Falls speak to us. They closed with the invitation to "Take Jesus into your lives. Go home and decide, first, whether or not you want Him in your life. He stands at the door of your heart and knocks to come in (Revelation 3:20). But you have to want him and invite him in."

Pat went home that night with this invitation really ''with him." I did not know what happened in his life that night, but the next morning I KNEW WHAT HAPPENED! When I arrived at my office in the church, he was there waiting for me. He could not wait to tell me the Good News! He recalled how he tried to sleep but could not. Midnight came, 1:00 a.m., then 2:00 a.m. He could not decide whether or not he really wanted Jesus to "come in." He was not yet willing for Him to come in and "take over." But he could not sleep! And he could not let the invitation go! It was after 2:00 a.m. Monday morning that he decided, "Yes, I want him in my life."

It was then that he exclaimed: "I invited Him to come in. And you know what? HE WAS THERE!" HOW'S THAT FOR A "WOW?" The "touch" of Jesus is like NO OTHER!

THANKS BE TO GOD for Recipes! Ada and I, in 24 years, worked 25 youth camps. Most of that time was with Morris Stephenson, Director of Iowa Camps. He was the main speaker at all of them. He was good!

How was he "good?" He had a "cake recipe!" This is the way he used it. He would introduce the topic of Christian Living and then move into the actual baking of a cake. Beforehand, he had us prepare a long table with two ovens and all the ingredients in between.

"First," he would say, "we're going to bake a cake according to our tastes." He would then move from one ingredient to the next, always using his wet finger to test the taste of that ingredient. Sugar? - Good! -A lot of it! Flour? -Not so good! -Very little of it. This happened all down the line. At the end he would mix the ingredients and pour into a cake-tin which was then put into the first oven.

"Now," he would continue, "we're going to bake a cake according to my mother's recipe. She called it her “always perfect recipe."' He followed that recipe in every detail: ingredients, amount for each, when to mix, etc. Again, at the end, he would mix the ingredients and pour the batter into the other cake-tin which was then put into the other oven.                                                        

Returning to his topic, he shared with them his recipe for "Christian Living." In due time, the timer sounded. ''Now let's see the outcome of our cake mixes." He took the first cake-tin out of the oven and showed them the "cake." It was a thin, black blob across the bottom of the pan. It brought a gasp of utter disgust. Then he went to the other oven. Sure enough - a beautifully raised and browned cake. And was it ever GOOD!

You can discern the message. It has to do with “advice,”/ "content,"/ "recipe,"/ "proportion,"/ "experience,"/ "tests,"/ etc. etc. etc.


CONCLUSION THANKS BE TO GOD for Many More "Touches."! Early in life on the farm where I learned the value of the "Work Ethic"- not for income but for involvement.

Early life in a Bohemian-Moravian Church where I knew not the language BUT LEARNED WHAT IT IS TO "WORSHIP GOD!"

"Prevailing Winds"- North means cold, South means warm in winter; BUT I CHOOSE MY "TEMP" - MY "ATTITUDE!"

This could go on forever. What does it all amount to? "Recipes for Living" takes what life brings us and makes a "mix" of "touches" that make us what we are! Of course we use proportions and make discards. But the end result is one of God's Creation!-And in the process He uses you and me! It all comes about in the mix called "Relationships." THANKS BE TO GOD for all Touches

I am grateful!

Life is "Relationship" - The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing!





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Last Revised August 19, 2012